Friday, November 2, 2007


This is a Web 2.0 element I actually used before starting the 23 Things! My younger brother and sister introduced me to YouTube and we have spent tons of time checking out cool clips together. That's the thing... you could spend all day in nostalgia land or silly mode looking up old TV shows or hilarious footage. The fact that the site is so easy to search contributes to the addiction-factor. Just pop whatever you're looking for into the box, and bam! There's your clip. If you're looking for a a funny comedian or a specific music video, narrow your search by going to categories or channels.

I like looking for clips from my current, favorite TV show, "The Office." The first clip I added to my blog is probably one of my all-time favorite television scenes. If every office had a Jim, work would instantly earn 1,000 fun points. Probably more. Fellow Library employees, let's laugh together!

I picked the next clip because I love cookies. And libraries. Good things belong together. That's all the monster's trying to say (I'm awful fond of him, too). Oh, and the scene takes me back to my childhood, cross-legged in front of the TV. I almost feel like I'm there again when I watch this.

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